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I know how important it is to find the right person to work with.  That’s why I offer a free 15 minute discovery call.


Anna Davies


Just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.  We’ve had two sleeps where A_ didn’t wake properly for milk until 5.30!!! Feel her cough has turned a corner too.  I’m starting to feel human again, thank you.

I just wanted to say thank you for dropping off the remedies…the surgery went really well and I have just had a few now…and I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate you helping out and making all of this really great healing stuff for me, sending you loads of love.

I just want to say thank you again, because upon writing in my journal this morning I just realised that I did come into this new year a completely new and improved and stronger person and version of myself and my gut is saying that it had a lot to do with your homeopathic remedy that you gave me.  It forced me to purge something, I don’t know what.  It’s been really significant and I just thank you so much…It amazes me how you intuitively picked something and it’s changed my life.

[the swelling]  has gone down a lot and it definitely helped.  I am a real believer in homeopathy these days! You are a really intuitive homeopath, it’s been a huge gift to me.

Initial Consultations

During the first consultation, I will ask lots of questions to build up a complete picture; taking into account a wide variety of factors such as your medical history, family medical history if known, personality traits, stress triggers, likes and dislikes, lifestyle and even your dreams. I want to understand what is unique about you, and how your body and mind express themselves and I aim to help you feel relaxed so you can talk about whatever is bothering you. The idea is to build up a picture of your unique make up, a bit like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.


This first consultation will usually takes about an hour, sometimes a little more, depending on the complexity of your case history.


The consultation is completely confidential and the consultation will be held according to the code of ethics. For more information about this click through to the Society of Homeopaths Website.


The information collected during consultations will be written up kept in a secure location and will not be shared. For more details please see my privacy policy.


At the end of the consultation we can discuss the underlying causes of your symptoms from a homeopathy perspective


We will talk about the steps we’ll take to help you feel well again.


I’ll explain how the homeopathic and herbal remedies I have prescribed will help you to feel better.

Follow Up Consultations

Follow ups will be booked at an appropriate time for you to assess your progress, this may be anytime from 2 weeks to 8 weeks after your first consultation, we will discuss the best option for you

The second and subsequent consultations are usually half an hour in length.

This is an opportunity to discuss your progress and revisit your current symptoms and any changes that have occurred. We will make a personal plan with continued support for as long as you need it. Everyone is different and will need support in different ways. Your personal health plan will be tailored for you.

Terms and Conditions

Please read about the terms and conditions of your homeopathic treatment before you book a consultation.  Click on the link below to see the full list of terms and conditions.

Read Full Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy

Learn more about how it works with a zoom consultation, how payments are made, how to get your prescriptions and what to expect after taking your remedy.

Read Privacy Policy

Obtaining prescriptions

Information about how to obtain your homeopathic prescriptions after your zoom consultation. Please click the link below and read carefully

Info about prescriptions

Free 15 minutes initial chat

A chance for you to ask all the questions that you have about homeopathy and how the treatment works.

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Initial Consultation

A full length initial consultation of an hour to assess your health on all levels.  Your symptoms, medical history, lifestyle stresses are all taken into account : £130/$180*


Follow Up Consultation

Usually at least 2 or 3 follow ups will be required after an initial consultation.   Usually 4 weeks after the initial consultation to assess progress: £75/$110*


Acute Consultation

Usually 15-20 minutes on the phone : £40/$52*


Homeobotanicals (UK clients only)

30ml of a bespoke blend of homeobotanical formulas and flower essences. A bottle of lasts for approx 6 weeks : £35Includes Royal mail first class postage to UK address.


Menopause Package

£200 for an initial consultation and 2 short follow up appointments (to be used with 6 months of first appointment).

Please enquire to book a discounted package rate, payable by prepaid invoice

Family Package

Family Package – 2 Follow Up Consultations each for 2 family members – £260 / $400 (expiry date of 9 months)

Please enquire to book a discounted package rate, payable by prepaid invoice

Individual Package Basic

Individual – Initial Consultation plus 2 follow up Consultations – £260 / $380 (to be used with 6 months of first appointment)

Please enquire to book a discounted package rate, payable by prepaid invoice

Individual Package Deluxe

Individual – 3 Follow Up Consultations – £195 / $300 (expiry date of 9 months)

Please enquire to book a discounted package rate, payable by prepaid invoice

*Concessions for low-waged or students available please enquire.

Frequently asked questions

What can homeopathy treat?

Homeopathy is a suitable form of medicine for all ages and conditions.  We treat the symptoms as they manifest in the individual and not the diease itself.  It is particularly useful for skin conditions, reproductive, digestive nd respiratory disorders and stress related disorders as well as maintaining day-to-day health.  The remedies are safe to use in pregnancy and breastfeeding and are often very effective for children.

What can I expect after taking a my remedy?

Patients often feel a sense of well-being and optimism after taking a remedy.  Occasionally an old symptom may briefly reappear and this is a positive sign that the remedy is taking effect.

Why do people prefer homeopathy?

People are attracted to homeopathy because of its gentleness, power and ability to treat everyone as an individual.  Many are first drawn to homeopathy as an alternative to potentially harmful pharmaceutical drugs.  Because it is completely non-toxic homeopathy is invaluable in treating children, preganat and nursing women.

How soon can I expect to see results?

Generally you must allow at least 1 month for every year rhat you have had a condition.  Your speed of recovery will also depend on your level of health and vitality.  I would also take into consideration how many layers of disease need to be cleared: these may include inherited tendencies and suppression from use of pharmaceuticals such as anti-biotics.  It’s important to have realistic expectations of how quickly you will get well.  If you have had your present problem over 10 years it isn’t going to go away overnight.  You should feel some benefits in the first few months but it does sometimes take several years to rectify the chronic disease of a lifetime.

Is homeopathy a good investment?

Homeopathic remedies are relatively cheap to buy but the process of matching the correct remedy for each person’s case takes a great deal of time.  Not only does the consultation take an hour or more but in addition the homeopath will spend hours after researching your case and deciding on the one remedy among some 3000 that is appropriate.  While the initial cost mayy be higher than some other therapies, follow-ups are needed less frequently and so the cost is spead over months rather than weeks.  


All went well with the surgery and I am  recovering very quickly! I really just went with the flow and feel indebted to you for the Homeopathy.  I have felt positive and strong throughout.  Thank you!


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