
General Homeopathy Blogs

Homeopathy for Babies and Toddlers

Homeopathy for Menopause and Perimenopause

Homeopathy for Tooth Abscesses

Homeopathy for Tooth Abscesses

A dental abscess is a build-up of pus in the tooth, gum or jaw due to a bacterial infection.   In his book ‘The Practical Handbook of Homeopathy’ (a very useful book to have on hand for self-prescribing at home) Colin Griffith’s writes:    “Abscesses in the...

Constitutional Homeopathic Treatment

Constitutional Homeopathic Treatment

What is Constitutional Homeopathic Treatment? Constitutional treatment, simply stated, involves taking the whole person into account as far as this is possible and treating the person simultaneously on all levels - physical, mental and emotional.  The expression...

Homeopathy for Weaning

Homeopathy for Weaning

Some babies naturally give up nursing at around 8 or 9 months wile others continue for much longer.  As with all aspects of a child’s development there is no specific time to stop and the decision is really up to the mother personal choice.  Milk is a complete food...

The Connection Between Histamine and Oestrogen

What is histamine? Histamine is found in nearly all the tissues of the body associated mainly with the mast cells.  Mast cells are large cells in connective tissues which also contain heparin and serotonin, as well as histamine, which are released during inflammation...

The connection between Michaelmas, Blackberry and Manifestation

Yesterday (September 29th) was Michaelmas, the feast of St Michael also known as Archangel Michael.  My daughter and I went out and picked blackberries because according to legend, on this day St, Michael defeated the angel Lucifer. At the end of a great battle, St....

Homeopathy for Children’s Sleep Problems

A few fortunate parents have babies who quickly establish a pattern of sleeping 11-12 hours during the night hours, perhaps waking once or twice for a feed as well as having regular naps through the day.  However this is quite uncommon and there are many parents who...
hormonal balance

An Holistic Understanding of Oestrogen Dominance

Everything in nature has a balance consisting of ebbs and flows or yin and yang and we can see this in the cycles of the seasons, the breath, waves on the beach and the monthly moon cycles which are so connected to our own menstrual cycles. The hormonal cycle is very...

Homeopathy for Snuffles and Nasal Congestion

Virus infections such as colds are the most common reason for the inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the nose and a watery discharge which usually becomes thick and yellowish.  Nasal congestion and discharge can also have other causes such as allergies,...

Homeopathy for Tooth Abscesses

A dental abscess is a build-up of pus in the tooth, gum or jaw due to a bacterial infection.   In his book ‘The Practical Handbook of Homeopathy’ (a very useful book to have on hand for self-prescribing at home) Colin Griffith’s writes:    “Abscesses in the...
Homeopathy is one Natural ways to reverse osteoporosis

Preventing Osteoporosis with Diet, Exercise and Tissue salts

Osteoporosis: a progressive loss of minerals, bone mass and bone density.  It affects men as well as women and can result in fractures of the hip, shoulder, ribs, vertebrae, forearm and wrist.  It can be due to various factors such as ageing, prolonged inactivity,...
woman caring for a child in bed

Homeopathy for Fevers

Fever is indicated by a rise in body temperature.  Normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius, although this can vary in the individual child.  Temperatures of up to 39 or 40 degrees commonly occur in children with an infection.  The child may look hot with flushed...
Constitutional Homeopathic Treatment

Constitutional Homeopathic Treatment

What is Constitutional Homeopathic Treatment? Constitutional treatment, simply stated, involves taking the whole person into account as far as this is possible and treating the person simultaneously on all levels - physical, mental and emotional.  The expression...
Homeopathy for treating worms

Homeopathy for treating Worms

Thread worms (also known as pinworms) can frequently occur in young children and some children seem to be susceptible to recurring infections. These tiny white thread-like worms infest the rectum (back passage) and can cause itchiness around the anus and sometimes...

Homeopathy for Hayfever and Allergic Rhinitis

What is Hayfever or Allergic Rhinitis  Hayfever or allergic rhinitis is an acute flare up of a deep-seated chronic disease or health problem. An  allergic response occurs when the body’s immune system over-reacts to a trigger.  With hay fever this is seasonal and...

Homeopathy for Bites and Stings

Homeopathy for  Bites and Stings   Homeopathy can be a really useful and effective way to deal with all kinds of bites and stings: from insects to cats and dogs to jellyfish.  In this article I will go into detail about this subject and the remedies that are...

Homeopathy for UTIs and Cystitis

Cystitis is an infection or inflammation of the bladder.  Urethritis is an infection or inflammation of the urethra, the tube that empties urine from the bladder.  The infection is often caused by E. Coli bacteria transferred from the bowel.  These infections can be a...

Homeopathy for Urticaria and Allergic Reactions

Urticaria is also know as nettlerash or hives.  It is more common in people with sensitive skin where exposure to heat, cold or sunlight may cause raised ‘weals’ (red swollen marks on the skin).  Conventional treatment is by antihistamines.  Urticaria is usually the...

Homeopathy for Anxiety

Anxiety is where we worry about possible negative outcomes rather than maintaining an attitude of optimism and trust in our own capacity to cope with whatever comes our way.  Anxiety often crops up when we experience changes that are hard to accept or make us feel...

Homeopathy for Birth Trauma

Birth Trauma is something that affects many people to one degree or another.  One of the great things about using homeopathy for shock and trauma is that even if you miss the chance to take the remedy at the time the shock happens the remedy can still work later on,...

Calendula for Skin Healing

Calendula is a member of a family of plants called the Asteraceae (formerly Compositae) also known as the daisy family.  These radiant flowers of our central star, the sun, include bellis perennis (daisy), chamomile, echinacea and arnica all of which have become vital...

What is an aggravation and what to do about it

Sometimes people worry about 'aggravations' from homeopathic remedies so here is some information on what an aggravation is, what might be happening and why. First of all, homeopathy is a safe, natural system of medicine which is able to improve our vitality without...

Understanding the layers of health

Why has an old symptom from years ago returned? In order to heal, we also need to address the LAYERS of health that have been suppressed over the years. As a homeopathic remedy begins to work the path to healing tends to follow a pattern in 3 ways.  This is known as...
remedy bottle with pills

Choosing a potency and dose

One of the main principles of homeopathy is ‘use the minimum dose’. Samuel Hahnemann, the doctor who discovered homeopathy, also discovered that if you dilute  the remedy until it is no longer physically present it will still be effective.  He also found that...

Homeopathy for Children’s Sleep Problems

A few fortunate parents have babies who quickly establish a pattern of sleeping 11-12 hours during the night hours, perhaps waking once or twice for a feed as well as having regular naps through the day.  However this is quite uncommon and there are many parents who...

Homeopathy for Snuffles and Nasal Congestion

Virus infections such as colds are the most common reason for the inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the nose and a watery discharge which usually becomes thick and yellowish.  Nasal congestion and discharge can also have other causes such as allergies,...
woman caring for a child in bed

Homeopathy for Fevers

Fever is indicated by a rise in body temperature.  Normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius, although this can vary in the individual child.  Temperatures of up to 39 or 40 degrees commonly occur in children with an infection.  The child may look hot with flushed...
weaning and homeopathy

Homeopathy for Weaning

Some babies naturally give up nursing at around 8 or 9 months wile others continue for much longer.  As with all aspects of a child’s development there is no specific time to stop and the decision is really up to the mother personal choice.  Milk is a complete food...
Homeopathy for treating worms

Homeopathy for treating Worms

Thread worms (also known as pinworms) can frequently occur in young children and some children seem to be susceptible to recurring infections. These tiny white thread-like worms infest the rectum (back passage) and can cause itchiness around the anus and sometimes...

Homeopathy for Hayfever and Allergic Rhinitis

What is Hayfever or Allergic Rhinitis  Hayfever or allergic rhinitis is an acute flare up of a deep-seated chronic disease or health problem. An  allergic response occurs when the body’s immune system over-reacts to a trigger.  With hay fever this is seasonal and...

Homeopathy for Bites and Stings

Homeopathy for  Bites and Stings   Homeopathy can be a really useful and effective way to deal with all kinds of bites and stings: from insects to cats and dogs to jellyfish.  In this article I will go into detail about this subject and the remedies that are...

Homeopathy for Urticaria and Allergic Reactions

Urticaria is also know as nettlerash or hives.  It is more common in people with sensitive skin where exposure to heat, cold or sunlight may cause raised ‘weals’ (red swollen marks on the skin).  Conventional treatment is by antihistamines.  Urticaria is usually the...

Homeopathy for Birth Trauma

Birth Trauma is something that affects many people to one degree or another.  One of the great things about using homeopathy for shock and trauma is that even if you miss the chance to take the remedy at the time the shock happens the remedy can still work later on,...

Calendula for Skin Healing

Calendula is a member of a family of plants called the Asteraceae (formerly Compositae) also known as the daisy family.  These radiant flowers of our central star, the sun, include bellis perennis (daisy), chamomile, echinacea and arnica all of which have become vital...

The Connection Between Histamine and Oestrogen

What is histamine? Histamine is found in nearly all the tissues of the body associated mainly with the mast cells.  Mast cells are large cells in connective tissues which also contain heparin and serotonin, as well as histamine, which are released during inflammation...

Homeopathy for Children’s Sleep Problems

A few fortunate parents have babies who quickly establish a pattern of sleeping 11-12 hours during the night hours, perhaps waking once or twice for a feed as well as having regular naps through the day.  However this is quite uncommon and there are many parents who...
hormonal balance

An Holistic Understanding of Oestrogen Dominance

Everything in nature has a balance consisting of ebbs and flows or yin and yang and we can see this in the cycles of the seasons, the breath, waves on the beach and the monthly moon cycles which are so connected to our own menstrual cycles. The hormonal cycle is very...

Homeopathy for Snuffles and Nasal Congestion

Virus infections such as colds are the most common reason for the inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the nose and a watery discharge which usually becomes thick and yellowish.  Nasal congestion and discharge can also have other causes such as allergies,...

Homeopathy for Urinary Problems and Stress Incontinence

Appropriately prescribed homeopathic remedies can be very helpful in easing the discomfort and distress of urinary problems when they are due to declining muscle tone.  However if you are suffering with severe symptoms that may be due to a bladder or kidney infection...

Homeopathy for Menopausal Flooding

Heavy bleeding (flooding) is common in menopause as a response to changing hormone levels.   As we approach menopause it can be alarming to find that periods that were previously regular become uncharacteristically heavy, irregular and painful.  They may become...

Homeopathy for Menopausal Vaginal Dryness

What causes vaginal dryness in menopause? The vagina is the hidden entrance to a woman’s being, where she can easily feel exploited or violated.  The ability to open and surrender is an expression of the feminine nature, but it is a tender and sensitive activity,...
Homeopathy is one Natural ways to reverse osteoporosis

Preventing Osteoporosis with Diet, Exercise and Tissue salts

Osteoporosis: a progressive loss of minerals, bone mass and bone density.  It affects men as well as women and can result in fractures of the hip, shoulder, ribs, vertebrae, forearm and wrist.  It can be due to various factors such as ageing, prolonged inactivity,...
The important of photo-sterols during menopause

The importance of Phyto-sterols during Menopause

Many of the plants which and botanical products most useful to women during menopause are rich in phyto-sterols or plant hormones.  Phyto-sterols have a molecular structure which is akin to the body’s own hormones and they can be converted to human hormones in the...
woman caring for a child in bed

Homeopathy for Fevers

Fever is indicated by a rise in body temperature.  Normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius, although this can vary in the individual child.  Temperatures of up to 39 or 40 degrees commonly occur in children with an infection.  The child may look hot with flushed...
How homeopathy can help with hormonal depression

Homeopathy for Depression in the Menopausal Years

Depression can strike at any time, but the menopause is a phase of life where we may be especially prone develop feelings of sadness or depression.  These feelings may be occasional or frequent, transient or long-lasting.  They are often due to the fluctuation in...
natural cycles

Menopause and HRT: Myths and Dangers

Menopause is an energy gateway—a unique chance for a woman to prepare her body, mind and spirit for a healthy, long life. It’s a time to heal, strengthen, balance, and harmonise your energies. Menopause symptoms can often be eased with changes in diet, lifestyle and...

Homeopathy for Menopause Mood Swings

Menopause is a natural time of transition and a gateway to a new phase of life which can be liberating or profoundly disturbing depending on how mentally and physically prepared we are for it. The hormonal changes that arise during menopause (or other times of life)...

Menopause remedies: Aristolochia Clematis

Aristolochia is a plant in the family which are known as Birthworts.  It has yellow trumpet like flowers with a very narrow part opening into a wider bulb at the bottom.  Insects are attracted into the trumpet-like opening and crawl down the narrow tube to the bulb....
weaning and homeopathy

Homeopathy for Weaning

Some babies naturally give up nursing at around 8 or 9 months wile others continue for much longer.  As with all aspects of a child’s development there is no specific time to stop and the decision is really up to the mother personal choice.  Milk is a complete food...
Homeopathy for treating worms

Homeopathy for treating Worms

Thread worms (also known as pinworms) can frequently occur in young children and some children seem to be susceptible to recurring infections. These tiny white thread-like worms infest the rectum (back passage) and can cause itchiness around the anus and sometimes...

Homeopathy for Hayfever and Allergic Rhinitis

What is Hayfever or Allergic Rhinitis  Hayfever or allergic rhinitis is an acute flare up of a deep-seated chronic disease or health problem. An  allergic response occurs when the body’s immune system over-reacts to a trigger.  With hay fever this is seasonal and...

Homeopathy for Bites and Stings

Homeopathy for  Bites and Stings   Homeopathy can be a really useful and effective way to deal with all kinds of bites and stings: from insects to cats and dogs to jellyfish.  In this article I will go into detail about this subject and the remedies that are...

Homeopathy for UTIs and Cystitis

Cystitis is an infection or inflammation of the bladder.  Urethritis is an infection or inflammation of the urethra, the tube that empties urine from the bladder.  The infection is often caused by E. Coli bacteria transferred from the bowel.  These infections can be a...

Homeopathy for Urticaria and Allergic Reactions

Urticaria is also know as nettlerash or hives.  It is more common in people with sensitive skin where exposure to heat, cold or sunlight may cause raised ‘weals’ (red swollen marks on the skin).  Conventional treatment is by antihistamines.  Urticaria is usually the...