Appropriately prescribed homeopathic remedies can be very helpful in easing the discomfort and distress of urinary problems when they are due to declining muscle tone.  However if you are suffering with severe symptoms that may be due to a bladder or kidney infection it’s important to seek medical help as soon as possible.  


Declining levels of oestrogen at menopause

A common result of the low oestrogen state associated with menopause is thinning of the membranes and loss of moisture in the tissues, resulting in dryness and decreased elasticity.  Because the tissues have a reduced amount of fluid between the cells, they become lax instead of taut.  Because the vagina is located near to the urinary tract both areas can suffer when there is a reduction in oestrogen levels after the menopause.  One possible side-effect is that the urethral opening, which would have normally remained tightly closed, is not now as tightly closed because of the laxity of the tissues around the opening.  You might notice you are urinating more frequently and are unable to hold as much urine in your bladder as you previously could.  This is a natural result of the decreased elasticity of the bladder.  Other possible difficulties caused by the drop in oestrogen might be:

  • A frequent and urgent desire to pass urine even if there is only a small amount to be passed.
  • Discomfort or burning sensations on passing urine
  • Leakage or dribbling of urine when running, carrying heavy weights, sneezing, coughing or laughing

 Prolapse of the organs of the lower abdomen

These problems can be made worse when a prolapse happens: a condition where the ligaments that support the uterus begin to lose their elasticity and sag.  If this happens (often as a result of childbirth), the uterus can descend to the point where it may protrude from the vagina.  Other organs that may begin to sag include the urethra, bladder and rectum. 


If you are chronically constipated, you may be experiencing urinary frequency and incotinence because of the pressure of the stool-filled bowel impinging on the bladder and preventing it from expanding to hold more urine.  In this case when choosing a remedy for incontinence you must address the constipation as well.


Lifestyle tips

  • Pelvic floor exercises help to tighten and tone the muscles of the pelvis
  • Make dietary changes such as eating more vegetables and salad both to aid weight loss and prevent constipation which can aggravate prolapse
  • Drink plenty of filtered water daily to guard against bladder infection or irritation.
  • Never put off passing water because you are too busy to do so and make sure you empty your bladder fully each time you pass water.
  • Avoid standing for long periods of time and put your feet up whenever possible
  • Regularly apply pure CBD oil or vitamin e oil to the clitoral region and between the labia to increase moisture levels and act as a protective barrier to the urethral opening.  CBD oil is relaxing and anti-inflammatory


Schuessler Tissue Salts

The Schuessler tissue salt Calc Flour is a great tonic for restoring and maintaining elasticity of tissues but it needs to be taken on a daily basis for 3 months to help with a chronic condition.  Nat Mur tissue salt can help with regulating the fluid balance in the body.


Some commonly Used Homeopathic Remedies



Indicated when there is poor muscle tone with general aches and pains.  Heavy or constricted sensations in womb.  Overwhelming need to lie down with difficulty making the slightest effort.  Depressed and exhausted with prolapse of the uterus.  

Better for: fresh air, stimulants, passing urine.

Worse for: effort, being overheated, exposure to cold draughts.



Indicated for urinary problems from pregnancy or childbirth.  Incontinence may occur when anxious, over-heated or coughing.  Persistent stress incontinence when coughing, sneezing or laughing.  Frequent sensation of needing to pass water must be acted on straight away or urine is passed involuntary.  Small bladder capacity and inability to hold the urine even though you have little thirst or do not drink a lot of fluids.  Weepy and in need of sympathy when symptoms are severe.

Better for: pressure, gentle movement, cool in general, fresh air, sympathy and attention, after a good cry.

Worse from: at night, lying flat on the back, sitting or lying still, warm stuffy rooms, feeling neglected.




Indicated for a dragging, bearing-down sensations with slow flow of urine.  There is a sense of weakness and weight in the bladder area with associated constipation often described as a sensation of a ball in the rectum.  There may be dribbling or passive loss of urine with exertion or upright activity.  Symptoms of prolapse of the womb following childbirth.  These included backache and a feeling as though everything were going to fall out of the vagina.  Sits with legs crossed to feel more secure and comfortable.  Very depressed, exhausted and indifferent with aversion to sexual partner.

Better for: Pressure, warmth, after a nap

Worse from: standing, walking, emotional demands



Indicated for stinging and burning when passing concentrated urine.  Constant feeling of not having emptied the bladder completely.  Discomfort during and after passing urine.  Symptoms are aggravated by intercourse.  Angry, irritable and snappy with discomfort.

Better for: resting warmth.

Worse for: touch, sexual contact, pressure, early morning



Indicated for slow-developing symptoms with unconscious passage of urine.   Stress incontinence is worse from coughing or sneezing.  Urine is passed involuntarily at night.  Raw, sore or tearing pains on passing water, leaving affected area very sensitive to touch.  Symptoms bring a general feeling of unwell ness.  

Better for: in bed, warmth

Worse for: becoming chilled or damp, movement, bathing,, coffee.


Natrum Mur

Indicated for excessive vaginal dryness with stress incontinence when coughing or walking.  Low back pain that feels better for firm support in the hollow of the back.  Flow of urine is slow to start.  Urine escapes in spurts when you laugh or cough.  Incontience may occur periodically and may alternate with fluid shifts in the body, resulting in swelling of the fingers or ankles.  Aversion to intercourse due to discomfort in the vagina.  Withdrawn, depressed and introverted when symptoms are severe.

Better for: gentle movement, cool fresh air, firm pressure, sitting with legs crossed

Worse for: over-exertion, lying down, sleep, walking, coughing, becoming over-heated