Birth Trauma is something that affects many people to one degree or another. One of the great things about using homeopathy for shock and trauma is that even if you miss the chance to take the remedy at the time the shock happens the remedy can still work later on, even if it’s given many years later.
When I gave birth to my own daughter things did not go at all as I had hoped. I had hoped for a home birth but ended up in hospital and my daughter was born by ventouse and forceps and I had an episiotomy. Homeopathy helped myself and my daughter recover from the trauma of the birth and helped me to focus on what went right rather than what went wrong.
Never Been Well Since Birth Trauma
A well chosen homeopathic remedy can release shock and trauma from the body and the mind whether the event has just happened or it happened years ago.
When shock or trauma is the cause of the problem and someone has ‘never been well since’ (NBWS) an event this is known as an ‘aetiology’. In cases with a direct aetiology there is a clear and direct relationship between the presenting problem and the trauma which proceeded it, no matter how long the problem has persisted.
Sometimes when the cause and effect relationship is very clear, particularly if there are no outstanding symptoms in the case the aetiology can become the basis of the prescription. This is why first aid remedies such as Aconite, Arnica and Hypericum have cured many symptoms and conditions which are not part of their traditional remedy picture.
Acute prescribing for birth trauma
In her book ‘Your Healthy Child with Homeopathy’ Tricia Allen writes: “If you have had a physically difficult birth that may have caused bruising to your baby, it is never too late for you both to take a few doses of Arnica for the physical trauma. If the birth was very sudden or fast, and you were in a state of shock, your baby probably is too and the appropriate remedy for you both to take is Aconite. Aconite is also an excellent remedy for urine retention after birth.”
Chronic prescribing for birth trauma.
Where shock or trauma has gone untreated for weeks, months or years it is advisable to consult a homeopath. One reason for this is that higher potency remedies are often needed to clear shock and trauma and these are best prescribed by a homeopath who can assess the potency that is required in your particular case.
A homeopath will ask you about your whole health history and also that of your mother, father and grandparents. They will be able to look for patterns that may have been inherited. A homeopath will also try and construct a timeline of the major health problems, allopathic drugs used or traumas that you have experienced in your life and will assess which ‘layer’ to start with and clear first. This is a process that can take months or even years depending on how long you have been suffering with health problems so its important to find a homeopath that you feel comfortable working with.
Trauma and shock can be held in the cellular memory of the body for many years if not safely released. The traumatised areas will contract in order to protect themselves and become more rigid and inflexible. The vital force or ‘chi’ or energy of the body is not able to flow through these areas as easily as it should resulting in pain and stagnation which can ultimately lead to disease. This is one reason why craniosacral therapy can work well alongside homeopathy when treating birth trauma.
Birth Trauma and Colic
Sometimes a traumatic birth can be a causative factor in babies who suffer from colic later on.
Stramonium can be helpful for birth trauma colic and screaming where the baby may look totally terrified and full of anger. It is often used for babies with a history of a difficult birth, especially if they have been stuck in the birth canal or had the cord wrapped around their neck.
Borax is a remedy which can be helpful for for birth-trauma colic where the baby may have been stuck or prevented from being born when ready. Borax babies have a fear of downward motion so may often cry when they are put down.
Birth Trauma and Post Natal Depression
When you have a very frightening experience where you or someone you love is in great danger it can even result in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety or depression. You experience a huge rush of adrenaline and can remain in a hyper-vigilant state and you can worry that something awful might happen again. Homeopathy can help with post-natal depression or anxiety and is a situation where it is best to consult a homeopath.
Matridonal Remedies
A whole group of remedies which have been proved relatively recently and have a reputation for helping repair the bonding between the mother and child when it has been interrupted by a difficult labour are the ‘Matridonal Remedies’. These remedies are made from ‘body own’ substances or ‘sarcodes’ and include ‘Placenta’, ‘Amniotic Fluid’, ‘Vernix’, “Oxytocin’ and ‘Umbilical Cord’. These remedies can help where there has been a Caesarean birth or where the mother and baby have been separated soon after birth.
Some Other Birth Trauma Remedies
A brief sketch of some of the homeopathic remedies that could be used to treat birth trauma. This is by no means an exhaustive list and is intended only to show the huge range of situations that can be helped with homeopathy. It is always best to consult a qualified homeopath for anything other than basic acute prescribing. Homeopathy is an individualised form of medicine and a homeopath will be able to assess which remedy is most likely to suit you and your baby. Some of these homeopathic remedies, such as Buddleia, are newer remedies. They are not found in traditional Materia Medical but can be found in books by Colin Griffith and Madeline Evans.
NBWS since a difficult birth. For children born with the umbilicus round their necks. Can also be helpful where the baby was in a difficult position, breech births, or where the spine is twisted.
Bellis Perennis
A great remedy for complaints from injury or surgery to the internal organs. It is a deeper acting remedy than arnica and relieves bruised soreness after childbirth. Give after arnica if there is still bruising.
Baby with difficulty breathing after the birth. Foetal distress.
Specific for when the skull is compressed at the sides like from a forceps delivery. A sense of being shocked and traumatised. Unable to express in words any feelings associated with the experience. Delayed speech from birth trauma where the head has been traumatised. ‘A powerful remedy for shock and trauma which has infiltrated the being on all levels including the spiritual. Works in a very gentle yet powerful way, releasing layers of trauma and fear’.
Borax is a remedy which can be helpful for for birth-trauma colic where the baby may have been stuck or prevented from being born when ready. Borax babies have a fear of downward motion so may often cry when they are put down.
Epilobium/Rose Bay Willow Herb
‘It is a remedy to help people feel safer being in their physical vehicle. It is worth considering in those who had an appalling struggle to be born; there is a history of birth trauma and difficult incarnation, perhaps so difficult that full incarnation was not possible’.
Shock from injuries to nerve rich parts. The pain is often more severe than the injury seems to warrant. Also useful for any surgery where nerves are cut and feel frayed or sore such as after a Caesarean..
Shock caused by emotional trauma and grief or loss. This remedy can help where the birth hasn’t turned out as expected or planned in the the birth plan. The patient may sigh a lot and seem very highly strung. Bottling up emotions may alternate with bouts of hysterical crying.
Traumatic birth where the mother has no love for the child.
For shock where Arnica and Bellis Perennis fail. Birth trauma in the mother and/or baby especially where the baby is unable or unwilling to complete the birth process e.g. forceps, breech, caesarean delivery. Where the birth process or traumatic incident sets up a pattern that is repeated. Can be useful for spinal injuries.
Shock with stupor. Shock from injuries or surgery. Those who need opium appear glassy-eyed and stupefied, suffer from inertia and feel faint, numb and/or trembly. There is an abnormal lack of pain, as if the senses have been blunted. The face is red and drawn, sunken and old-looking, possibly with a bluish tinge. Children are unable to urinate after shock.
Shock caused by emotional trauma. The patient is typically depressed and does not want to talk, think or answer and may even forget words while they are speaking. They appear indifferent to everything and lack even the energy to cry. May be in shock from fluid loss.
Shock with vomiting. Shock from surgery. Loss of blood.
Baby born with the cord around the neck. Baby born in the wrong position.
Sea Holly
Babies out of energetic alignment from shock or fright during the birth experience.
Babies who have been born too quickly or have been stuck.
Helpful when there is prolapse and exhaustion after the birth. The mother may be very tired and want to be left alone. There may be depression and despair and irritability with loved ones.
Shock with anger and indignation which is suppressed. Shock from injuries and surgery. Complaints are accompanied by a sense of violation or humiliation with ensuing resentment.
Shock with fear. Shock from surgery. The fear can border on terror and is accompanied by nightmares or a sense of the birth having been a nightmare,
Sycamore seed
Damage to the skeletal system from a difficult birth. Helps correct the movement of the skeletal system in both the mother and the baby; compression of the skull or spine.
Spine is twisted from a traumatic birth.