Menopause is a transformational portal —a unique chance for a woman to prepare her body, mind and spirit for a healthy, long life. It’s a time to heal, strengthen, balance, and harmonise your energies. Menopause symptoms can often be eased with changes in diet, lifestyle and with homeopathy or herbal remedies but now more than ever HRT is being pushed for women both before, after and during menopause.  Many women start using the HRT in their 40s or 50s to help solve problems with peri-menopause or menopause.  We are encouraged to believe that  HRT gives protection against certain age-related diseases and that the supplemented hormones will benefit our health in a similar way to taking supplements of vitamins but the full picture of the damage hormonal drugs can do to our bodies is often concealed.

Not all women suffer with menopausal symptoms but some do suffer terribly but have no idea there is help out there.  Menopausal symptoms can be managed without having to go down the route of orthodox medicine.  Menopause is not (as it is often portrayed) a disease; it is a time of transition and there is a lot homeopathy and herbs can do to ease the passage through this change of life.  We have a very a negative view of ageing in the west and women often view the time of menopause with negativity and apprehension.  Actually it can mark the beginning of a liberation into what some would say are the best times of their life.  There’s no need to fear menopause!

Myth 1: HRT balances hormones

One common myth is that the Pill or HRT will bring about hormonal balance.  Our hypothalamus is responsible for monitoring the levels of hormones in the blood and sends signals to adjust or decrease the production of natural oestrogen and progesterone. However when you add synthetic hormones into this closed feedback loop from outside you actually unbalance the whole endocrine system even further.  The false messages sent to the hypothalamus progressively un-tune the female hormone system.

Myth 2: HRT is an elixir of youth

Some women start taking HRT in the belief that it will keep them young. The idea that oestrogen keeps you young is a myth demonstrated by the fact that the large quantities of oestrogen produced by a woman up to the age of 40 does not prevent changes associated with age. This myth is perpetuated in the media and plays a big part in the drive to get women onto HRT.  Celebrities promoting HRT claim benefits such as everything from aiding weight loss and better skin tone to avoiding brain shrinkage.

Myth 3: HRT protects against Alzheimers

Strangely women are being encouraged to start HRT therapy long before any menopausal symptoms arise. This is because they are being told the menopause can ‘reshape’ their brain during the peri-menopause phase   Suddenly the drug HRT has been elevated to a therapy that can protect against Alzheimer’s and dementia, as well as the symptoms of menopause.  Women well past the menopause are also encouraged to take HRT and NICE guidelines are that women can take it until they die but the risks of HRT are more often than not played down.  One study found that more than three years in a row on HRT could increase the risk of Alzheimer disease by 50%.

Lets look at the potential dangers of HRT…

Danger 1: Blood Clots 

Reports show that women who use HRT therapy experience blood clots at a higher rate than those who don’t. This isn’t too surprising as researchers have long discovered how artificially altering hormone levels increases the thickness of blood, an action that tends to increase the clotting mechanism. Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are the biggest risks.

Danger 2: Breast Cancer 

The Women’s Health Initiative study and others have demonstrated a connection between HRT and increased breast cancer risk. After all, this treatment increases reproductive hormones in women whose bodies are transitioning away from this activity. Further research has found that certain demographic groups (Caucasian, Asian and Hispanic) are at higher risk for breast cancer after using HRT. Researchers continue to look into the reasons for this connection and to find out who might not be as susceptible. Even so, none deny the increased risk. 

A large study that found that taking hormone replacement therapy – estrogen plus progesterone – for 10 to 14.9 years increased the risk of breast cancer by 88 percent. The risk more than doubled for women who took the hormones in combination for 15 to 19.9 years. This study was based on data from about 60,000 nurses. 

It also found that using estrogen alone increased breast cancer risk by 22 percent when used from 10 to 14.9 years and by 43 percent when used from 15 to 19.9 years. The study was presented on April 1, 2012 at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Danger 3: Ovarian Cancer 

Studies have discovered that HRT influences ovarian cancer growth once the cancer has already developed. It appears the estrogen and progestin increase ovarian cancer tumor growth, an undesirable effect of the therapy. Although HRT has not necessarily been shown to cause cancer, the risk does exist 

Danger 4: Stroke 

Stroke has been the main concern for women taking HRT, according to a study by the Women’s Health Initiative. Numerous trials have also supported the connection between hormone replacement therapy and stroke. In fact, one recent review noted that HRT appeared to play an important role in the occurrence of stroke. 

Danger 5: Cardiovascular Disease 

Heart disease remains the leading cause of mortality amongst women, despite it’s ability to be prevented. Prior to the Women’s Health Initiative study, one presumed benefit of hormone replacement therapy was that it would reduce the incidence of death as a result of cardiovascular disease. The WHI study, however, showed the exact opposite. Women using HRT therapy remain at a higher risk for developing cardiovascular disease than women who do not use the therapy 

To Summarise:

  • Risk of breast cancer increased by at least 22%
  • Risk of heart attacks increased by 29% 
  • Risk of stroke increased by 41%
  • Risk of cardiovascular disease increased by 22% 
  • Rate of blood clots doubles
  • Another study found later that more than three years in a row on HRT could increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 50% 

HRT is something women should think twice about taking for something that is a natural process and for which there are many natural things that can help.  It is definitely worth trying natural therapies first, homeopathy, changes in diet, exercise etc.  There is so much that can be done.  

Homeopathic treatment can help to restore the balance of the female hormone system.  It can clear the suppression and blocking of the body’s natural channels caused by synthetic hormones. It can reduce menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, mood disturbance or hair loss.  It can treat conditions caused by hormonal imbalance like PCOS, endometriosis, painful periods, PMS and acne. 

Homeopathy can help either alongside HRT or if HRT hasn’t worked and also when a woman has reacted badly to it.  Not only does homeopathy restore balance on a physical level but also on an emotional, mental spiritual levels as well.  Homeopathy can put a woman back in touch with her inner knowing and sense of purpose.