A few fortunate parents have babies who quickly establish a pattern of sleeping 11-12 hours during the night hours, perhaps waking once or twice for a feed as well as having regular naps through the day.  However this is quite uncommon and there are many parents who struggle with babies, toddlers and young children who are still not sleeping through the night. There are many strategies for helping babies and young children to sleep better and homeopathy can be very effective if the right remedies are found.

The need for sleep decreases with age.  Newborn babies need about 16 hours, two-year-olds about 12 hours, six-year-olds about 10 hours and twelve-year-olds about 9 hours.  Sleep encourages the brain to manufacture growth hormone, which in turn encourages the body to manufacture proteins for growth and repair. There are many reasons why sleep may become disturbed:

  • Irregular bedtimes
  • Over tiredness
  • Stimulating or inflammatory foods before bedtime
  • Stuffy bedrooms
  • Too few or too many bedclothes
  • Noise
  • A new baby in the house
  • Anxiety and tension

Anxiety Stress and ADHD

Anxiety and tension  are often the cause of insomnia.  A great many children find they cannot sleep at night because of a busy and overactive mind.  In some cases this can be because of anxiety and stress and encouraging them to talk about their worries (during the day preferably not before bed) can really make a difference.  Homeopathic treatment can also be very helpful.  Many children with ADHD find it hard to sleep even if they have few worries and are secure and happy.  

Night Terrors

This is when a child wakes from sleep screaming and terrified.  These anxiety attacks can be brought on by a frightening story or an incident on television.  They can also be due to experiencing real traumas so check whether there have been any unsettling or traumatic events as these may have precipitated the fear.  If your child had a traumatic birth experience and has always woken at night, this may well be the cause.  Homeopathic treatment can really help your child by addressing the trauma.  Some remedies which can be helpful include Aconite, Phosphorus, Stramonium and Kali Brom,


EMF and Devices

More and more people are sensing the effects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and radiation on our bodies.  Sources of radiation include cell-phones and cell-towers, X-rays, wi-fi, microwaves, smart meters, power stations, electronic devices and airplane travel.  All of these things disrupt our connection with the earth and with each other, things which are crucial to our sense of well-being and relaxation.  Smartphones and the internet are bringing us more information and communication than ever before.  This is triggering our ‘fight or flight’ response, the internal mechanism that helps us survive when we need to do something quickly or suddenly.  It is a good idea to put your router on timer so it switches off at night.  Also try and switch off any devices and keep them in a different room away from the bed.


Pineal Gland and Melatonin

Not only to do devices constantly activate us with notifications but the blue light from the screens can also be disruptive.  There are many studies confirming the effects of bright light and the impact is greater on teens and young people.  Our timing of sleep is ultimately controlled by light.  Light on the skin switches off melatonin, our sleep-inducing hormone.  Melatonin is produced in the brain by the pineal gland.  When the pineal gland is artificially stimulated by bright light, especially blue light from a screen or smart-phone, it is tricked into believing it is still daylight.  Melatonin dysfunction is a major cause of insomnia.


The importance of Light and Dark

Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles that are part of the body’s internal clock, running in the background to carry out essential functions and processes.  Daylight activity and sleep during total darkness are both essential for healthy circadiam rhythms.  Mobile devices give off especially bright light and as they are held close to the face, they affect sleep the most so are sure your child is not using them in the evening. Make sure you have black-out blinds fitted in your bedroom and dim lights at least an hour before bedtime.  Avoid using LED light-bulbs.  These are becoming more popular as they are energy saving, but they emit blue light so this is something to be aware of.  If you must use a screen during the evening https//justflux.com is a free download that removes blue light from your screens at dusk.



‘Grounding’ (also know as ‘earthing’) is described as plugging into the Earth’s natural energy. This practice  of connecting physically with the Earth, often by walking barefoot on grass or soil. lets us tap into the Earth’s mild negative charge to top up on energy and rebalance our body’s bioelectric systems. Our modern lifestyles tend to  insulate us from this energizing and grounding natural force but it is now possible to buy special sheets for your bed which are said to mimic this process and transfer the Earth’s electrons into your bed through a grounding cable plugged into your electric socket. This allows you to receive the benefits of grounding during your night’s sleep.  It is thought that this stops dirty electricity from flowing through your body’s cells, allowing your body to relax and produce more sleep hormones, sleep more deeply and heal better during sleep.  Some people have reported significant improvement in sleep from using grounding products.


Bedroom Hygiene Hints:

  • Darken the room with blinds and curtains
  • Maintain a slightly cool temperature
  • Get a comfortable bed
  • Consider trying a grounding sheet
  • Keep all gadgets and phones out of the bedroom
  • Keep clutter to a minus to create a relaxing environment

Sleep routines

There are many books that have been written on techniques to help a parents and children who struggle to get a good night ssleep.  Building habits and routines are key in overcoming sleep problems so do try your best to wake up at the same time everyday, even on weekends. This will help your child feel sleepy at the same time every day, and it also improves the quality of their sleep in the long run.  The body’s internal clock is naturally aligned with the cycle of day and night and this rhythm is so important for health.  Keeping a consistent night-time routine routine and is one of the most important things you can do to maintain a healthy circadian rhythm. An important part of this routine is that it helps you wind down and to feel in a relaxed and positive frame of mind.  Avoid keeping your child up late to taking them out at night with you if you know this will upset their sleep.  It is also important to create routines around what happens if a child wakes: aim to get them settled back into bed with as little fuss or disruption as possible so that the message that ‘night-times are for sleeping’ is reinforced.

  • Avoid energetic play and activities before bedtime – try yoga or some deep breathing instead
  • Avoid late meals
  • Avoid sugar, wheat dairy or inflammatory foods during the evening
  • Give hot milky drinks (not cocoa) or relaxing herbal infusions at bedtime
  • Low lights or candles during the evenings
  • If your child is frightened of the dark a night light may help
  • A warm bath with soothing oils such as lavender or relaxing magnesium salts before bed
  • Put on calming or relaxing music
  • Read a quiet story in bed and have cuddle – this helps most children relax and get off to sleep
  • Wake up the same time every day
  • Every day get some exercise outside and plenty of exposure to natural daylight.

Some Homeopathic Remedies used for Sleep Problems

Argentum nitricum

Children who need Argentum nit are very open and sensitive and can be nervous about how other perceive them or what they say.  These children usually have lots of friends, are diplomatic and well-liked.  Argentum nit has an affinity for the voice, speech and performance.  For this reason it is useful for children who have trouble going to sleep if nervous or anxious before a forth-coming event.  They continually worry about what might happen and may have some loose motions.  Their anxiety may manifest as impulsive thoughts such as ‘what if I jumped off this bridge’ or feelings of claustrophobia.


Arsenicum album

Arsenicum kids tend to be high-strung, busy and anxious with a kind of organised fastidiousness that helps them be top performers in school.  They will keep their bedroom, toys, school work and even clothes and hair looking very tidy.  They like having people around and they don’t like being alone.  Many Arsenicum children have fears about disease, infection or someone dying.  For sleeplessness with restlessness and anxiety.  This child tosses and turns and may need reassurance from parents.  Often the child may wake between midnight and 2am.



As most people are aware coffee can hype up the nervous system and make us more mentally active.  Children who respond well to this remedy may have parents who drink a lot of coffee and are overly driven, anxious and hurried. This is the remedy to give to children who cannot sleep because they are overexcited.  A good example may be a child who has become overexcited by a happy event such as a party, a birthday or Christmas.  Their minds become overactive and they cannot slow down their thoughts to go to sleep.  They may wake in an excited state and start playing with toys.



A key remedy for children who may have had recurrent throat infections and tend to be perfectionistic.  They may have feelings of stuckness and aching around the throat.  Tends to suit contradictory children with strong desires and keyed up nervous systems, who only find release when they have an emotional blow-out. As a major grief remedy this one helps with insomnia after a bereavement or loss.  The child may find it difficult to express sadness and try to hold it in.  The child then gets upset at night and cannot sleep.  This type of child needs an emotional release to help their bodies relax.  A child who needs Ignatia may sleep lightly and jerk in their sleep.



Lycopodium can be very helpful for children who are insecure and lack confidence.  They may compensate for feeling small on the inside by acting big, bossy, egotistical, criticising, intellectual on the outside.  They can also be socially shy.  There may be problems with the digestion, constipation or gassiness.  Lycopodium children may develop insomnia during anxious times such as before a test, play or singing performance.  One common time is due to apprehension before school begins.  During anxious times the child may again need to sleep with a parent with the lights on.  Some children who have a fear of monsters will not be able to fall asleep unless a parent sleeps with them.  They frequently need the lights on and may need to sleep with other people  in the room.  They often sleep on their right side or on their abdomen.  In their sleep they frequently talk or laugh.  They will tend to remain covered by the bedclothes even in summertime.  They will awake unrefreshed and in a terrible mood and usually have a strong hunger directly after rIsing.


Natrum Mur

A helpful remedy for lonely closed-off children who seem sad but don’t express themselves.  They may feel rejected on some level by their parents or by people in general.  Many Nat Mur children have trouble sleeping and even with falling asleep in the first place.  There are several common obstacles to sleep they may encounter: going over the social and emotional encounters of the day in their mind, thinking over the next days activities and plans or reading books that stimulate their fantasy life such as Harry Potter.  Natrum mur children may also wake up in the middle of the night and think about things that need to be done.  They usually sleep on the left side or the back.  They can talk or walk in their sleep.  Children who urinate into receptacles such as waste bins or plant pots while half-asleep may respond to this remedy.  This remedy may help children who have anxious dreams about being chased, robbers or fire or that they are late for class and the teacher ridicules them.  They often have a strong thirst and do not want consolation.


Combination Remedies

Combination remedies are formulas of multiple (sometimes many) homeopathic remedies which are targeted at one particular condition such as insomnia.  Multiple remedies are combined into one pellet, liquid or spray application.  They are often available over the counter and in health food shops.  While they may not be as effective as well-chosen single remedies they are frequently helpful in ameliorating the symptoms or in an acute condition.  Usually they don’t prevent the reoccurrence of the condition because they are so general but on the plus side they are easy to self-prescribe and are readily available.  I have a combination that I sometimes use which contains the following remedies: arena sativa, valerian, passiflora, coffea, pineal gland, melatonin and blue light.


Schuessler Tissue Salts

Tissue salts are micro-doses of the body’s 12 vital minerals prepared in a homeopathic method.  Giving the cells the essential nutrients they need can help to restore health. Tissue salts are completely safe and easy to use.  Kali Phos is a key component of nerve and brain cells.  Anxiety, tension and poor quality sleep can indicate that Kali Phos is lacking.  Combination ‘A’ which contains Kali Phos as well as the muscle relaxing Mag Phos and anti-inflammatory Ferrum Phos is recommended for insomnia.

If sleep problems persist do consider consulting an homeopathic practitioner for some constitutional treatment.  `Constitutional homeopathic treatment can go along way in helping a child settle down into a reasonable sleep pattern.  `Homeopathic treatment is also very successful in helping children who wake at night and are frightened or have frequent nightmares or night terrors.