Using Homeopathy to treat problems caused by taking the contraceptive pill.

Today, due to the widespread use of synthetic hormones the majority of women suffer from serious disruption to the endocrine system.  Common complaints arising after the use of synthetic hormones:

  • Menstrual problems
  • Infertility
  • Candida
  • Decreased libido
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Bladder infections
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Hirsutism in women
  • Migraines
  • Loss of femininity
  • Breast cancer
  • Fibrocystic breasts
  • Relationship problems, diminished feelings of love
  • Problems during childbirth
  • Mood disorders
  • Weight problems
  • Acne
  • Constipation.

Hormonal balance affects all organs and organ systems directly or indirectly.  Many thyroid problems, menopausal problems and breast cancers in women are due to the use of the Pill, Morning After Pill and HRT.  


Balancing the endocrine system allows people to pass through menopause more gently with fewer symptoms.  Osteoporosis, thyroid problems and joint problems are often hormone-related so can be helped by balancing this system.  

Even when there has been a long period of time between the initial disturbance and the start of treatment recovery is still possible.

The Pill contains artificially made hormones oestrogen and progesterone that appear to ‘regulate’ the menstrual cycle.  They actually work by tricking the hypothalamus into thinking by the body itself has made the hormones.  The hypothalamus monitors the levels of hormones in the blood and sends signals to adjust or decrease the production of natural oestrogen and progesterone.

Many women start using the pill at a young age to help solve problems with menstruation but when you add synthetic hormones into this closed feedback loop from outside you actually unbalance the whole endocrine system even further.  The false messages sent to the hypothalamus progressively untune the female hormone system.

The Pill itself is intended to stop ovulation, it literally turns off the whole reproductive system off.  By reducing or suppressing ovulation it also causes thickening of cervical mucus to prevent sperm from entering the uterus and thinning of the lining of the uterus so that fertilised eggs are less able to attach. It can take years for ovulation to restart.

Homeopathic treatment can help to restore the balance of the female hormone system.  It can bring back ovulation when it has stopped.  It can reduce menopausal symptoms.  It can treat conditions caused by hormonal imbalance like PCOS, endometriosis, painful periods, PMS, acne etc.  

To support the homeopathic treatment your practitioner may also recommend homeopathic remedies to support the liver which is a key organ in detoxing the body and removing unwanted hormones, whether synthetic or natural.  Herbs such as red clover, black cohosh, chastetree (Agnus Castus) and wild yam can also be used to support the body as hormones regain their natural balance within the body.  

Many homeopaths now use Homeobotanical blends such as ‘Female Hormonal Balance’ or ‘Menophase’ instead of recommending single herbs.  These are powerful synergistic blends of herbs which are dilute yet very potent and very safe to use alongside homeopathy and allopathic medicine.  ‘Female Hormone Balance’ contains all the herbs mentioned above and several others in addition such as motherwort, shepherd’s purse and dong quai (a species of Angelica).

It may take several months or up to 2 years to clear the suppression of the body’s natural pathways caused by the contraceptive pill.  Your homeopath will need to take a full medical history in order to chose which remedies to give first and design a specific detox program for you.  Some commonly used remedies for female hormonal imbalances include:



History of emotional repression and guilt.  Perfectionist, workaholic or OCD tendencies may be there.  These people may push themselves to the limit, there may be insomnia.  May be a history of chronic fatigue or someone cancer in the family history. Frequent periods, too early. Bleeding between periods or after sex. Can help fibroids and ovarian cysts



Helps to restore the ovaries and promote health ovulation and regular menstruation.  Helps a woman to feel feminine again when a woman has been emotionally unbalanced following the use of contraceptives.  Helps when there are complaints and/or pains around ovulation (e.g. migraine).  Can also help with menopausal symptoms, endometriosis and infertility.



No regularity to cycle.  Can help with severe menstrual pain and PMS.  Emotionally up and down, often tearful, better for company and affection and fresh air.



Extremely well-indicated where there are complaints around menstruation: PMS.  There may be low libido and irritation with partner along with feelings of tiredness or exhaustion.



Suits passionate, creative talkative people who hate being confined in any way.  Symptoms tend to appear on the left side.  There may be mood-swings and jealousy.  Symptoms better for menstrual flow starting.  Useful for menopausal hot flushes.



Indicated where there has been physical trauma or chemical abuse to the sex organs.  Worse from use of HRT, the Pill, frequent use of the Morning After Pill, surgical intervention that has left scarring, prolapse contributed to by frequent pregnancies and psychological trauma.  Menstrual disorders characterised by haemorrhages of dark stagnant blood and pain.  The remedy has a strong influence on the bladder – especially indicated where there is a history of cystitis or damage to the urinary tract.


Aristolochia Clematis

Never been well since the pill or other hormonal interference.  Useful in young girls when the periods don’t come back after stopping the Pill (amenorrhea).  Feelings of being ugly, unattractive and low self esteem.  Depression with desire to be alone.  Fear of the future.